
Kolbjørnsviksjøen bathing place

Østfold, Norway
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About this experience

Near the state boarder between Rakkestad and Marker is the road to Kolbjørnsviksjøen, signed from fv. 124, Strømfossveien.

Drive a few kilometers inn on a dirt road to a parking spot leading to a big beach area that are popular for all ages and adapted for people with handicaps.

The beach at Kølvika kan offer a shallow sad beach, large lawn with some trees for shade, diving board, tables, and benches. There are also toilets.

A beach volleyball court, wardrobes, and toilets are also available for use.

The exit is close to Lindekleppen that has beautiful nature and lovely hiking opportunities.

  • Destination


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  • Type of experience


  • Best time to visit

    • Summer
  • Nearby stations

    • Oslo Rygge
    • Fredrikstad Station

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