
Skjenhøvda - Topp 11 - Golsfjellet

Eastern Norway, Norway
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About this experience

Skjenhøvda is located between Lauvsjøen and Nøreli on Gol and 1060 m. (GPS: 32 V 491 913 6745488). The summit is easily accessible from Lauvsjøstølen. Tick ​​numbers in the tour description refers to the sign on the ground and free sketch map of the area. From Lauvsjøstølen: Option 1Cross 121 through 120 and 127 to Skjenhøvda (top 6). Total length of 2. 1 kmOption 2Cross 121, 122 and 127 to Skjenhøvda (peak 6). Total length of 2 kmThe options can be combined, so that it becomes a round tripSkjenhøvda is included in the Top 11 - Top trips for the whole family. If you visit 6 or more peaks, while recording your visit, you are in the draw for great prizes. Driving DirectionsRoute 52 -> Robru -> Gol West -> Lauvsjøkrysset


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