Giving local wild animals a voice in Germany

About Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung

The German Wildlife Foundation wants to inspire people by showing them the beauty and uniqueness of wild animals and thereby giving these animals a voice. We organize long-term protection programs for endangered animal species, create habitats and offer nature education for children and young people. Because you can only protect what you know.

The German Wildlife Foundation has taken responsibility for around 1,200 hectares of forests, wetlands and meadows. The areas are further developed in the spirit of wildlife: trees can grow old, drainage is stopped, meadows are maintained in a natural manner and areas are rounded off and enlarged through targeted land purchase.

Our mission is to fascinate people with the beauty and uniqueness of local wild animals, counteract alienation from nature and actively protect wild animals and nature.

Contact for more information.

For every booking to Germany part of the proceeds Ravlling receives goes to this charity.
Ravlling wholeheartedly supports the German Wildlife Foundation in their mission.


If you'd like to donate more to this wonderful cause, please click the donate button below.

Thank you for joining us in helping supporting giving local wild animals a voice in Germany.

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