Keeping Lithuania’s wildlife healthy and intact

About Lithuanian Fund for Nature

Founded in 1991, right after the reestablishment of Lithuania’s independence from the Soviet Union, the Lithuanian Fund for Nature is one of the first conservation organizations in Lithuania.

The Lithuanian Fund for Nature operates as both an aid organization and a charity.

The LFN’s activities include cooperation with national, municipal, scientific, non-governmental, and private institutions in these areas:

– Preservation of rare and disappearing species and their habitats
– Maintenance and restoration of natural habitats
– Preservation of water bodies and resources therein
– Environmental education

One of their focus projects is The Baltic Sea, as it is not only one of the most unique but also one of the most polluted seas in the world. One fifth of the sea consists of sea wastelands that exhibit no signs of life.

The prime causes of such pollution are irresponsible fishing practices, sea transport, various port development projects and agriculture, due to which huge amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus leak into the sea. Causing a series of irreversible changes in the ecosystem.

LFN try their utmost best to preserve a more beautiful and diverse Baltic Sea for the future generations in Lithuania.

Contact for more information.

For every booking to Lithuania part of the proceeds Ravlling receives goes to this charity.
Ravlling wholeheartedly supports The Lithuanian Fund for Nature in their mission.


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