Creating healthier
communities in Wales

About Keep Wales Tidy

Keep Wales Tidy takes action to make a positive difference and our work ranges far and wide. We deliver practical action, environmental education, training, business services and environmental solutions across Wales. 

How do we do that?

  • – inspire everyone to take action and care for the environment

  • – engage locals to join our network of Litter Picking Hubs or establish their own community group

  • – lend free equipment including litter pickers, hoops, hi-vis vests, and bin bags

  • – organise >500 events per year across the country to create a Wales we all want to live in

  • – help nature’s recovery by protecting hedgerows, planting dense native woodlands, and creating biodiverse new gardens

  • – empower young people to drive environmental change

  • – encourage businesses and organisations to pledge their commitment to four Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repair. We provide information, advice and resources to help make a change. And help them create litter free zones.

Our important work helps set the standards high for parks, beaches, marinas and tourism in Wales. We're proud to be working with all local authorities and communities across Wales on the biggest ever initiative to eradicate litter and waste. Winner of internationally-accredited awards and policy and research experts in our field: our vision is a beautiful Wales that is cared for and enjoyed by everyone.

For every booking to Wales part of the proceeds Ravlling receives goes to this charity.
Ravlling wholeheartedly supports Keep Wales Tidy in their mission.

Thank you for joining us in establishing the most beautiful version of Wales.


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Thank you for joining us in establishing the most beautiful version of Wales.

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