Preserve heritage for future generations in France

About The Fondation du Patrimoine

France is a country with a rich and varied heritage, which can suffer degradation from time, weather, and human action.

Since our creation in 1996, our mission is to assist in the preservation of modest heritage buildings, and minor historical and natural sites. The Fondation du Patrimoine raises funds for each project, covering both private and public buildings, landmarks and industrial sites, natural sites, and landscape biodiversity.

Sustainable local development, access to culture for all and employment are priorities that guide our actions.

The Fondation du Patrimoine has proved adept at crowd funding for the preservation, enhancement and revival of the local heritage, mostly valuable buildings and sites which are not protected by official listing. This way heritage at risk has itself become an effective vehicle in social and economic life by raising awareness in local populations and passing on knowledge and skills. As a result, more than 35,000 jobs have been created.

Your generosity can make a difference in saving even more of France’s beautiful heritage for future generations.

Contact for more information.

For every booking to France part of the proceeds Ravlling receives goes to this charity.
Ravlling wholeheartedly supports Fondation du Patrimoine in their mission.


If you'd like to donate more to this wonderful cause, please click the donate button below.

Thank you for joining us in helping supporting preserve heritage for future generations in France.

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