Preserving birds, restoring habitats

About The Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP)

Founded in 1991, the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) is one of Poland’s leading organizations dedicated to the conservation of birds and their natural habitats. OTOP works to protect endangered bird species, preserve vital ecosystems, and raise public awareness of biodiversity in Poland.

OTOP's mission is to safeguard Poland’s bird species and their habitats, many of which are under threat from urbanization, agriculture, and climate change.

By focusing on conservation projects, habitat restoration, and advocacy, OTOP plays a crucial role in ensuring the survival of vulnerable species like the white stork, great snipe, and aquatic warbler. Our projects also include the protection of wetlands, forests, and other vital ecosystems.

OTOP engages in a wide range of critical conservation activities. From restoring wetlands to providing safe nesting areas for endangered birds. Through research, on-the-ground action, and educational programs, OTOP works tirelessly to ensure that future

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For every booking to Poland part of the proceeds Ravlling receives goes to this charity.
Ravlling wholeheartedly supports The Polish Society for the Protection of Birds in their mission.

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