Protecting ancient forests in Finland

About Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation

The Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation uses donated funds to buy old forests that are in as natural a condition as possible and apply for permanent protection of their forests in accordance with the Nature Conservation Act.

Active since 1995 the Foundation owns a growing number of conservation areas all around Finland. Thus increasing the total area of unspoiled forest, which is of vital importance to many endangered species.

Species we pay special attention to are:

Bird species
35 percent of Finnish bird species are endangered, which is more than in any other species group. Protecting birds and monitoring the bird populations is therefor of great importance. Within our different projects we pay special attention towards valuable bird habitats, such as mires, wetlands, islands and coasts.

The wolf
The wolf is a key species in our ecosystem, and has the important task of managing the balance in nature by stopping the deer and small predator populations from growing too large. In the last few decades, the number of wolves in Finland has varied from less than a hundred to around three hundred individuals. There are now fewer wolves in all of Finland than there are Saimaa ringed seals.

How to find suitable forests

When searching for appropriate sites we focus on old forests that haven’t been cut and host a high degree of biodiversity. Generally speaking, the trees in a suitable forest represent numerous species and different life stages from saplings to full-grown trees and decaying ones. In order to find suitable sites, the foundation collaborates with public authorities represented by the regional environmental centres.

Every man's right

We aim to respect the Finnish 'everyman’s rights', and have, in general, allowed people to pick berries and mushrooms in our areas. It is however strictly forbidden to touch the vegetation, the animals, or their nests, and one can only enter on foot.

The foundation has created a Children’s Forest with some extremely varied nature, and is aiming to establish more similar places. This is place where groups of children, families and nature lovers can enjoy sustainable hiking and learn more about nature and its protection.

For every booking to Finland part of the proceeds Ravlling receives goes to this charity.
Ravlling wholeheartedly supports The Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation in their mission.


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Thank you for joining us in preserving Finlands endangered species and ancient forests.

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